I did this on Thursday the 17th October at 3:30pm. I used the website http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/excel-help/create-a-formula-HP010081867.aspx to help me. After practicing how to create formula on excel I now feel comfortable using this skill.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Unit 1: Task 3 D2 how to use goal seek
On Thursday
17th October I learnt how to use Goal Seek at 4:00pm. I did this
with the help of http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/excel2007/excel2007s7p4.html. I have practiced using Goal seek on excel and now feel able to use it in the future.
Unit 1: Task 3 D2 how to paginate a document
On Wednesday
the 16th October at 11:30am I learnt how to paginate a document on
word. I used the website http://www.ehow.com/how_5984810_do-paginate-word-document_.html.
I have now practiced using this skill and now feel fully able to use it in the future.
Unit 30: Task 1 M1
1: M1
computer is needed in order to create graphic imagery; however there is one
problem with it. Computers can be quite expensive, especially for good, high
quality ones. This will sometimes put people off from buying one.
monitor is another necessity; however there is again the issue of cost. Also
for graphic design a monitor with high quality graphics is needed to do the
work on. These will be at the higher end of the price spectrum.
Keyboard and Mouse:
A keyboard
and mouse are very important for controlling the computer. However they can
be quite useless when it comes to graphic design. This is because it is very
hard to draw with a mouse on a computer so they are a hindrance when it comes
to graphic design.
Digital Camera:
digital camera is useful in graphic design as it allows you to capture images
to edit on the computer. A problem with this is price and also quality. To
get a high quality camera, it will be more expensive; however it is needed in
order to do graphic design.
scanner is useful for graphic design, although not an absolute necessity. It
does however have some issues, for example some scanners can be time
consuming and take a while to scan the picture. Some also do this in not a
great quality.
Graphics Tablet:
tablets are very important in graphic design. They allow a designer to draw
on the computer with ease, unlike with a mouse. The only issue is again price
as they can be quite expensive.
are useful in graphic design as the allow you to print the images that have
been designed and edited. The only problem is the maintenance of the printer.
They regularly need new ink cartridges which can be expensive as well and
paper to print onto.
projector can be used in graphic design, but it is not always required. It
can be used to show the designed images to others in presentations etc.
However to have a projector there must be a screen to project on. The whole
package can be costly for something which may not be used regularly.
Vinyl Cutter:
cutters are useful as it allows the designer to print their designs/logos
onto a piece of plastic so they have a solid copy of their work. They are
however, quite expensive to maintain. As you need to buy not only the cutter,
but also the sheets of plastic.
File storage
storage devices are very useful as they allow you to back up and store any
work that you have. You can also transfer them device to device easily. The
problem with these are that sometimes they may corrupt and lose any stored
Photo Manipulation:
manipulation is useful as it allows graphic designers to change the image to
look how they want it to. The problem is that to make it look a high quality
and realistic, you have to be relatively skilled in using the programme.
Drawing packages for logos:
are very useful as they allow graphic designers to design and create logos
easily. Again you have to have skills in order to be able to use the
programme correctly. Also it the data on the programme is lost, it can be
very hard to recover.
Desk top publishing:
Desktop publishing allows people to produce high quality
work at a low cost. The disadvantages of the program are that in order to
work it properly you will need to have some knowledge and skills of the
programme. Another limitation would be that you have to learn how to use the
software, you would not be able to use the software with ease without doing
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Unit 30: Task 1 P1
Task 1: P1
In order to create
the graphic images required different hardware and software are required to
create the imagery digitally. There are four different aspects to consider and
these are hardware basics, hardware input, hardware output and software.
Hardware basics are
a necessity for making the required graphic images. So for example a computer
is required in order to create the images. A monitor is needed in order to be
able to see what the images look like. A keyboard and mouse are the other two
obvious hardware basics which are needed as these are the main way we can
create the images.
There are also
several hardware inputs that may need to be used in order to create the imagery
digitally. A digital camera could be used in order to upload the images onto
the computer before they are edited. A scanner will be required in order to get
some images onto the computer to edit. It is an easy way to transfer images on
paper onto the computer. A graphics tablet would be a very useful device for a
graphics designer as it allows them to draw without using a mouse. This makes
it a lot easier to draw on the computer.
Hardware output is
also very useful and important when designing graphic images. For example
printers are very important as they allow us to have a paper copy of the images
that have been designed. A projector is also useful as it allows the graphic
image to be shown on screens, so for example it can be shown in a presentation.
Vinyl cutters are useful as they cut out shapes on plastic and cardboard. So if
a logo was designed, a vinyl cutter could cut it out onto plastic so it can be
used. It provides a way to turn the image designed on the computer to be made
into a useful object. File storage devices are also useful because they provide
ways to save the images onto things such as floppy disks and memory sticks. It
then means that the graphic images can be transferred from different devices.
Software is
required in order to do graphic design. Photo manipulation is where the
designer can manipulate and change the original image to change the appearance.
An example of a piece of software that would do this would be Photoshop. Drawing
packages for logos are also useful as they are very helpful when it comes to
logo design. It makes it easier to
design the images on the computer. Desk top publishing also allows a large
amount of documents to be printed cheaply, so for graphic designers images can
be printed many times. An example of a piece of software for desktop publishing
would be Microsoft Office.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Unit 1: Task 6 M3
6: M3
Different learning styles can aid personal development.
There are three main learning styles and these are visual, auditory and
Kinaesthetic. Visual learning is where someone learns through what they see
e.g. pictures and posters. Auditory learning is where someone learns through
what they hear. And kinaesthetic learning is where someone learns through
physical activity and movement.
Visual learning can help aid personal development because
it provides a way for people who have this learning style to adapt new
techniques etc. Visual learning can be through pictures and colours. It
provides a way for people to link information to a memorable colour so they are
able to learn new things such as skills.
Auditory learning is another way to help aid personal
development. It helps just like visual learning does but through different
techniques. So through sounds and music information can be linked to certain
sounds. This is a way for people to learn new skills and go through personal development.
Kinaesthetic learning does the same as visual and
auditory learning. Through movement and physical activity people are able to
learn better than they would in a lesson or from writing. By physically
learning to do something instead of listening or seeing what needs to be learned
is very effective for some people.
Throughout my project I have used visual and auditory
learning. I have had to do a lot of research in order to complete many of the
set tasks. I have used diagrams to help me with my learning so have learnt
visually. I have also watched video tutorials to help me with some of the tasks
set. This was my auditory learning as I learnt through what I had heard. I have
so far not used kinaesthetic learning throughout my projects, however I find
that in most cases this style of learning is of no help to me.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Unit 1: Task 5 D1
Throughout Unit 1 I have used various interpersonal and
communication skills. Communication and interpersonal skills used throughout
the unit:
- · Verbal communication
- · Clear and concise written communication.
- · Teacher broadcasting demonstration
- · Using Blogger
- · Using PowerPoint
- · Using Word
- · Using Publisher
- · Using Google Calendar.
I used verbal communication when talking to the
teacher and to peers about any problems or questions I had regarding my work.
The advantages of this were that I had a clear answer straight away which would
allow me to carry on with the unit. However the disadvantage of this was that peers
sometimes were unable to help with the problems, so I was sometimes unable to
get an answer quickly.
I used clear and concise written communication when
posting my blogs. The advantages of this were that my blogs would be easy to
understand and would not have too much information to overwhelm the reader.
However the disadvantages of this were that it was time consuming. It took time
to read through all of what I had written to make sure everything made sense.
This therefore meant I had less time to work on the next task.
I used teacher broadcasting demonstrations when
completing my work. They allowed me to understand what I needed to do next in
order to complete the set tasks. The advantages of these were that I would have
a clear understanding on the task I was doing and what programmes and software
etc. needed to be used. The disadvantages of the teacher broadcasting
demonstrations were that if I did not understand something, I would have to use
verbal communication to ask peers or the teacher afterwards in order to
understand what was required.
I used Blogger to upload all of my tasks. The
advantages of using Blogger are that all of your work is saved in one,
accessible place. However the disadvantages of using this are that it is quite
a complicated website to understand when you first start using it, as it
requires practise to understand how it works. This again is time consuming,
especially when deadlines are considered.
I used Google Calendar to complete Task 3. The
advantages of using this were that I was able to create a clear plan of all the
tasks I needed to complete. It was easy to access and easy to work. However the
disadvantages of using this were that sometimes it was unclear to read if there
were too many tasks set for that day, this made it hard to see what I needed to
do next.
I used PowerPoint to complete Task 2 (PowerPoint on
communication barriers). The advantages of using this were that it was easy to
use and that it creates a professional looking piece of work. For me, there
were no disadvantages when using PowerPoint.
I used Word complete several tasks throughout the
unit such as D2. There are many advantages of using word. For example it is a
very easy program to use and takes very little time. However the disadvantages
of this were that the tasks completed on work were sometimes hard to upload
I used Publisher complete Task 1 and Task 4. The
advantages of using publisher were that it creates work that is aesthetically
pleasing and that looks professional. However I have found that the disadvantages
are that it is relatively hard to use. I had to ask peers questions on how to
use the program effectively because I struggled with understanding how it
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
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