Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Unit 30: Task 1 M1

Task 1: M1

A computer is needed in order to create graphic imagery; however there is one problem with it. Computers can be quite expensive, especially for good, high quality ones. This will sometimes put people off from buying one.

A monitor is another necessity; however there is again the issue of cost. Also for graphic design a monitor with high quality graphics is needed to do the work on. These will be at the higher end of the price spectrum.
Keyboard and Mouse:
A keyboard and mouse are very important for controlling the computer. However they can be quite useless when it comes to graphic design. This is because it is very hard to draw with a mouse on a computer so they are a hindrance when it comes to graphic design.
Digital Camera:
A digital camera is useful in graphic design as it allows you to capture images to edit on the computer. A problem with this is price and also quality. To get a high quality camera, it will be more expensive; however it is needed in order to do graphic design. A graphic limitation is that the resolution/ megapixels are not good enough for large format printing.
A scanner is useful for graphic design, although not an absolute necessity. It does however have some issues, for example some scanners can be time consuming and take a while to scan the picture. Some also do this in not a great quality. Another graphic limitation is that scanners are only A4.
Graphics Tablet:
Graphic tablets are very important in graphic design. They allow a designer to draw on the computer with ease, unlike with a mouse. The only issue is again price as they can be quite expensive.

Printers are useful in graphic design as the allow you to print the images that have been designed and edited. The only problem is the maintenance of the printer. They regularly need new ink cartridges which can be expensive as well and paper to print onto. A graphic limitation is that you can only print onto paper and cannot print to the edge of the page
A projector can be used in graphic design, but it is not always required. It can be used to show the designed images to others in presentations etc. However to have a projector there must be a screen to project on. The whole package can be costly for something which may not be used regularly.
Vinyl Cutter:
Vinyl cutters are useful as it allows the designer to print their designs/logos onto a piece of plastic so they have a solid copy of their work. They are however, quite expensive to maintain. As you need to buy not only the cutter, but also the sheets of plastic.
File storage devices:
File storage devices are very useful as they allow you to back up and store any work that you have. You can also transfer them device to device easily. The problem with these are that sometimes they may corrupt and lose any stored data.
Photo Manipulation:
Photo manipulation is useful as it allows graphic designers to change the image to look how they want it to. The problem is that to make it look a high quality and realistic, you have to be relatively skilled in using the programme. Another limitation would be that you have to learn how to use the software, you would not be able to use the software with ease without doing this.
Drawing packages for logos:
These are very useful as they allow graphic designers to design and create logos easily. Again you have to have skills in order to be able to use the programme correctly. Also it the data on the programme is lost, it can be very hard to recover. Another limitation would be that you have to learn how to use the software, you would not be able to use the software with ease without doing this.
Desk top publishing:
Desktop publishing allows people to produce high quality work at a low cost. The disadvantages of the program are that in order to work it properly you will need to have some knowledge and skills of the programme. Another limitation would be that you have to learn how to use the software, you would not be able to use the software with ease without doing this.

1 comment:

  1. www: (P1) you have described the elements well.
    ebi: (P1) you actually specify the software to use.

    www: (M1) you have suggested some good limitations.
    ebi: (M2) you think about graphic limitations:

    Scanner: only A4
    Printer: can't print to the edge/ only print on paper
    Camera: resolution/ megapixels not enough for large format printing

